Sunday, February 24, 2013

Easy Crowds For Trade Show Traffic

If you, or your company, or the company that you work for are entering the trade show field, and need a presenter that can generate crowds, then there is a guy that you should know about.

Many people in the trade show industry have no idea what they are really entering into when it comes to the trade show floor. Many nervous and arrogant faces milling around trying to take the money from the customer, without actually having a reason, other than being in a room full of potential buyers.

The truth behind getting more customers at trade shows is that there are real secrets that you should know, and the reality is: there are only a handful of people on the entire planet who know how to do it.

Wouldn't you agree that your customers will walk by your booth without stopping, especially if they are not directed into your booth, or attracted into your booth?

One person in particular who can help, that is not only effective, and flexible for your needs, as well as reliable to the call, is a man named Sukuma.

Sukuma Avery in my opinion, is the leader in the field of generating happy guests into your booth, people that are attracted by his presence and charisma. I'm not talking about a loud man trying to sell something, I am sharing with you the magnetic force of a man who has the experience to get you customers. Don't take my word for it, take a look and hundreds of testimonials that are easily available to you, right here at this private link:

Good luck on the floor! Especially to those of you that will need it. 

Here is another secret:
Not everyone on the trade show floor rely on luck or fancy booth's. The point is to be effective and the most effective people in business start out with that in mind. 
If you are interested in being effective, then you will want to check this link out now.

Or simply get to the point here:
Toll Free: 1-888-209-7147

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Florida Magician Antwan Towner

With the hustle and bustle of today's society, everyone seems to be in a rush to get what's coming to them. As a magician, have been blessed with the opportunity to help people with their time goals when it comes to finding an enthusiastic entertainer for their important events.

There is so much information that Florida event planners should know about the entertainers that pop up in their search engines.
Most of the qualified magicians and party entertainers should have a website, several YouTube videos, testimonials and some other forms of online presents and public relations.

In addition to testimonials, and magic videos, it is always good to keep a paper trail as well as a general performance contract, not just for their purposes, but just to be sure that you are both on the same page, as far as performance date and time, and what you expect from them. There's nothing worse than the entertainer showing up on the wrong date or time, or doing adult magic for kids, or vice versa.

I'm Antwan Towner, and I love providing Florida event planners with the right magic for their special events, even if I need to suggest a specialist for their particular specialty events. Performing from Portland Oregon, to Florida to New York and Alaska, I have met and work with some of the most unique entertainers that can be hired.

Anytime I can help you and your group, let my know.

Easy booking: 1-888-632-9104


You will find helpful testimonials on the site. Good luck with your party planning!
Be sure to get the right entertainer for your needs that you are completely comfortable with.

The Thought Seer Antwan Towner

Antwan Towner is The Thought Seer! Providing street style magic mixed with comedy & mind reading creating quirky exciting entertainment for corporate events, & big events in Florida.

Any party worldwide can be made special with the right magician, and there are plenty available over at Towner Enterprises.

Magician Antwan Towner is based in Tampa Florida, and travels worldwide for your convenience.

The link below is helpful for agents and event planners looking for the right performer or actor for their special projects.

I hope that this blog has been helpful in guiding you to the perfect magician for your party!

Easy booking: 1-888-632-9104
Antwan Towner Enterprises

Thought Seer? Mind Reader? Magician?

"Tell me what I'm thinking right now?" Is a silly question often rudely asked by childlike adult people; usually of the adult male category. I'm not a f~ mind reader, I'm a performer, and from time to time... I see thoughts. This is ingeniously incorporated into my act, and if you'd like to witness this, then you'll have to come to my show.
No I do not perform for free just because I have different abilities than you. I would never ask you to show me your wares or thrall me with your acumen just to prove a silly point.

Come; enjoy the show. 1-888-632-9104

Friday, February 8, 2013


Some people have the loyalty that only extends to the end of their arm; Be careful who you shake hands with.
Respect the ground that you tread on, for in time it will create a path that leads straight to you.