Thursday, April 12, 2012

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Corporate Event Entertainment

Antwan towner provides amazing magic entertainment for corporate events in New York city. Check this video!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Magician Antwan Towner

It has been an amazing journey as a magician. Travelling from coast to coast performing magic in some of America's most amazing places. In the past few years I have had the great opportunity to travel to Florida, New York, San Diego, Los Angeles, even Alaska! I've performed, and learned so much in Canada, the Bahamas, The Virgin Islands and more.
There was a book I read years ago, I must suggest you take the time to read; "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho. It is simply life changing.
Another great book/dvd that can set anyone straight on their own journey through life is the "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne, wow! Thanks brother Dennis for that one, I still watch it from time to time. (the old one, with Esther Hicks, not the shitty one).
Anyway, life can be amazing if you let it. Matter of fact, it can be truly magical- and may even end you up in Manhattan!
Be well!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Technology overload

Is it just me? I cant do anything without hearing "like us on..." or "follow us on ..."
Neither can I read an email, or post a note without the big G slathering it and linking it all together. Here is the kicker: if you don't know about this stuff, and follow the sheep, then you simply do not exist, and you have no friends.
I am so glad actually, that in real life, I have some of the coolest friends, and the things I've done in my "real life" have afforded me the luxury of hiring someone to write these words that you are reading.
I don't own a television. I don't own a radio. I don't subscribe to any papers. I don't have a FB. I don't have a Twitplace. I don't give a shit about any of that shit.
I do, however, have an awesome life, a pocket full of money, and the most amazing people in my "real" circle that you will ever meet.
Why am I saying this? well, I think more people should.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

New York is Magic!

With all the sites to see, I must say- one of the most magical places in the world is New York's Central park, located right in the heart of Manhattan. One of my favorite places to stroll through just to be away from reality. Whenever you get a chance to really live it up, and want to see something magical, then take your butt to Manhattan, and go for a stroll through the park!
Here is a video glimpse of what it looks like!