Monday, October 21, 2013

Hiring a magician in Orlando Florida

If you are interested in hiring a magician in Orlando Florida, then you should know that there are many ways that you can go about it. 
Many of the professional performers and entertainers work with high end clients, including theme parks and they do so on a regular basis. Keep that in mind when you plan ahead. 
With Orlando being one of the highest traffic entertainment capitals of the world, it is super important that you search for your magician early, and decide on a budget. To put it bluntly, you will not be able to procure a professional magician that is guaranteed to entertain, for less than $250. Or with less than 3 weeks notice. It simply does not happen here. Key words are "professional" and "guaranteed".
If its no big deal who you get and you're not concerned with who you're inviting into your home, then this article isn't for you. Hell, hire a clown, you might be better off. 
There are, however, a large group of party planners that are only interested in the "great" and above category, which you will find plenty of in Orlando and even Tampa, but the key is to book early. 
The moment that you know the date and time of your event is the moment you should start your search. 
Once you have selected your prospects, check out their videos, pick the ones you like most and check their availability immediately. Checking someone's availability is no promise to buy, but it's good to get that out of the way first, while gathering more info on their price range. 
Next step to booking yourself a master prestidigitator, is to figure out your budget, and get the best your money can buy. Like most purchases, the magicians price is also a direct reflection of quality. 
There simply are no professional magicians in the $100. Ball park, so get that out of your head. 
If you've only got a small budget, you just might be better off to save your money or use it as a deposit for next years event. Many magicians will book events 6 months to a year in advance. 
Finally, don't be discouraged, go forth excited to find the right performer for your important event. Check out to set up your custom show easily and quickly. 

Thanks for reading and sharing. 
-Antwan Towner
Florida Magician & Mind Reader

Monday, October 14, 2013

When hiring a magician...

When you want to hire a magician, most likely you are stressed because you are this years event planner, and you want the party to be smashing, right? Last year's party was good, but you want this year's party to be great! 

If you would like to hire a magician, then do yourself a favor and do these few things:

* Ask or search for testimonials
* Compare a few magicians, not just their sites.
* Decide on a budget or price range

If the magician is good, testimonials will be easy to find, and you won't even have to ask. Customers and guests are usually happy to rave about how the magician was the life of their party... unless he was not.

There are several magicians in every major city, some are pros- meaning that is all that they do for a living; some are actually just hobbyists and comparatively are not as sharp or entertaining, and not to mention worth it.

Decide on a budget before you make your final decision on entertainment. Hiring "the life of the party" is often a more expensive job than the bounce house or the catering. Put things in perspective. A great magician can make the kids forget about the bounce house, and the adults forget about eating, all at the same time.

Good luck with your event, and check out this quick video: 

Monday, July 22, 2013

Restaurant Magician Memories

Restaurant Magician Memories

I love doing what I do. Looking back at videos of performances I have done for restaurants, I found this cute video: 

Being a restaurant magician is just one of the things that I do to exercise my strengths as a performer and artist. Growing up, sll of my idols were restaurant performers. Mainly magicians, some musicians and some poets. 

There is definitely something special about being surprised with entertainment when sitting down for a nice meal. 

Over the years, I have learned that bringing an element of elegance and beauty through entertainment is such a huge benefit for the restaurant or other establishment. The customers have something to tweet about, the guests experience something different, and the children beg to return. 

Although I have made my living as a restaurant magician, the real business comes from increasing the business of the establishment through repeated traffic, which in turn has built life long relationships with its guests, as well as customers for the other side of my business. 

The other side of my business is booking magic shows for individuals, families and corporate events. 

I must say that I have not only been pretty lucky, but blessed to have had the opportunity to serve so many people with what I love to do. 

If you are a party planner, or just a person who enjoys big events, then I encourage you to remember the entertainment for your events. 

It's not enough to reserve the venue in time, and select the proper amount of food for the guests, but be sure to create the right atmosphere as well. 

There are many resources available now, thanks to the Internet to be sure to find the right choices for your party. 

When booking the entertainer, be sure that they have. Some good reviews available, whether it be written testimonial or video. We cannot always judge whether or not they are perfect for the party by their website alone. Which brings me to the next point:

Entertainers for parties should also have a website and an easy way to book them. Many magicians and entertainers consider themselves artists, and do not take the proper energy to produce a top notch website, however, they should still be easy to book. 

Good luck with your parties and events! 
If you are interested in booking a magician, be sure to see:

Florida Restaurant Entertainment

This post is about restaurants in Florida with entertainment.

I come from Portland OR originally, but I love living here in Florida. There are many family friendly things to do, and places to go, as well as sites to see.

Other than amazing theme parks, Florida has a wide variety of restaurants; some family owned, some mid size, and of course many chain restaurants. Some of my favorites are Miller's Ale House, Buca Di Beppo, and Grillsmith.

The thing about restaurants is that they are all unique in many ways, but exactly the same in others. For instance: Some restaurants guests flock to simply because of the beer selection, while others they bring their friends and family to because of the house magician or live nightly entertainment... but no matter the reason, they usually all have televisions for the sports fans.

Personally, I do not own a TV, so I do not watch sports or any television that is not easily found on youtube, so restaurants with TV are not interesting to me. Isn't it interesting though that most restaurants prefer to have a TV playing in the background in order to compete with sports pubs? I mean, you would think that individuality or uniqueness would be the direction to focus on. In the interest of sports fans and beer selection, Miller's Ale House and Linksters are good choices indeed.

Karaoke is another thing. Some people like it, some don't. I go out to eat... a lot, and I have noticed that when people are eating at a restaurant here in Florida, it is a much different experience to dine in an elegant clean setting with faux candle light, smooth piano and or a subtle professional singer warming up the atmosphere, than it is to be stuck listening to the abrupt blaring noise of a terrible karaoke singer practicing for American Idol. In the interest of Karaoke people, check out karaoke for up to date venues.

Terrible Dj's are the worst. There is nothing worse than dining out, and being forced to endure the practicing Dj that cannot get booked in a proper night club, so he is forced to give it a go at your local Applebee's while you suffer over your meal. People that want to dance and listen to good music will make the trip to the local club. There are plenty of good ones out there. Especially in Florida. You can check out Jackson's Bistro, Hyde Park Cafe, or The Kennedy to find the real professionals.

Last but not least, The House Magician. A quality, seasoned professional magician can be the greatest 5 minutes at a restaurant that restaurant goers could ever experience. There is a bit of comedy, a little astonishment, something more unique than most places, and of course- magic! Who doesn't love magic? Young or old, from near or far magicians come from every place in the world and are adored by millions. Vice versa, an untrained magician can be a hilarious embarrassment  to watch.
Magicians at restaurants are especially great when there is a long time in the waiting area, it keeps the guests from leaving, not to mention entertained and occupied. I have seen restaurants also make use of magicians in order to attract families from the neighborhood. Magicians can also attract a significant amount of publicity as well.
If you love magic, then you can get yourself over to the Brandon Ale House and the Tampa Ale House to see live magic with the family.  Call for show times: Tampa: (813) 969-0020 Brandon (813) 643-0511
The magicians are fun, professional and amazing. See this video

I hope you find the right restaurant for you and your friends and family! Lots of luck!


Friday, July 12, 2013

Preparing for the magic show

I have been getting ready for my big magic shows in Alaska for the past six months. I have about three weeks left and I am excited to perform. My friends and family that work regular jobs have completely no idea what it is like to prepare for a simple show.
I love my friends and family, and I wish they understood.
When you are a performer for a living whether it be a comedian a magician or other entertainer, it can be a difficult struggle to explain that time has a different value to you then other people.
Although I do believe that people should value their own time more than I see demonstrated. Time is the currency that we all have and use but some of us let it use us.
Anyway, I am an independent entertainer. This means that I do not have an agent or manager per se. It's not necessarily by choice though. For the past 15 years I have sent many packages to agents and managers but they simply do not want my kind... of entertainment, in general.
The great thing about this is I remain independent. I am able to help many more people on my own accord. With that being said I am responsible for my show and the booking of the show.
I am a pro photographer , So I shoot my own photos, film my own videos and since I am also a producer I edit the productions as well. I write my own shows with the help of a few friends, and research the hottest new magic tricks and effects that are being performed today.
After deciding what's going to go onto my set list I have to practice for many hours in order to sell a good show.
Not every show that I do is for everyone. Some shows are designed for kids and families. Some shows are designed for college students and adult audiences. Other shows are custom, and some shows are designed just for me to express myself as an artist. As much as I try, the shows are rarely ever perfect, luckuly the point is to make it fun for all.
If you are a performer, then you know what I mean, you know what I'm talking about.
I always feel a bit of guilt when my friends and family want to hang out, go out have a drink or whatever. I have to tell them that I am working on my show, but they have no idea what I'm talking about.
When you are a independent performer or even an entrepreneur then everything is up to you. Everything is important to you.
I have enjoyed the opportunity to stop from time to time and smell the roses.
If I am ever going to continue making my living as an artist I know, now, that I just cannot stop for very long,
Keep it moving.

You can find me under the name Antwan Towner on Twitter and Facebook.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Easy Crowds For Trade Show Traffic

If you, or your company, or the company that you work for are entering the trade show field, and need a presenter that can generate crowds, then there is a guy that you should know about.

Many people in the trade show industry have no idea what they are really entering into when it comes to the trade show floor. Many nervous and arrogant faces milling around trying to take the money from the customer, without actually having a reason, other than being in a room full of potential buyers.

The truth behind getting more customers at trade shows is that there are real secrets that you should know, and the reality is: there are only a handful of people on the entire planet who know how to do it.

Wouldn't you agree that your customers will walk by your booth without stopping, especially if they are not directed into your booth, or attracted into your booth?

One person in particular who can help, that is not only effective, and flexible for your needs, as well as reliable to the call, is a man named Sukuma.

Sukuma Avery in my opinion, is the leader in the field of generating happy guests into your booth, people that are attracted by his presence and charisma. I'm not talking about a loud man trying to sell something, I am sharing with you the magnetic force of a man who has the experience to get you customers. Don't take my word for it, take a look and hundreds of testimonials that are easily available to you, right here at this private link:

Good luck on the floor! Especially to those of you that will need it. 

Here is another secret:
Not everyone on the trade show floor rely on luck or fancy booth's. The point is to be effective and the most effective people in business start out with that in mind. 
If you are interested in being effective, then you will want to check this link out now.

Or simply get to the point here:
Toll Free: 1-888-209-7147

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Florida Magician Antwan Towner

With the hustle and bustle of today's society, everyone seems to be in a rush to get what's coming to them. As a magician, have been blessed with the opportunity to help people with their time goals when it comes to finding an enthusiastic entertainer for their important events.

There is so much information that Florida event planners should know about the entertainers that pop up in their search engines.
Most of the qualified magicians and party entertainers should have a website, several YouTube videos, testimonials and some other forms of online presents and public relations.

In addition to testimonials, and magic videos, it is always good to keep a paper trail as well as a general performance contract, not just for their purposes, but just to be sure that you are both on the same page, as far as performance date and time, and what you expect from them. There's nothing worse than the entertainer showing up on the wrong date or time, or doing adult magic for kids, or vice versa.

I'm Antwan Towner, and I love providing Florida event planners with the right magic for their special events, even if I need to suggest a specialist for their particular specialty events. Performing from Portland Oregon, to Florida to New York and Alaska, I have met and work with some of the most unique entertainers that can be hired.

Anytime I can help you and your group, let my know.

Easy booking: 1-888-632-9104


You will find helpful testimonials on the site. Good luck with your party planning!
Be sure to get the right entertainer for your needs that you are completely comfortable with.

The Thought Seer Antwan Towner

Antwan Towner is The Thought Seer! Providing street style magic mixed with comedy & mind reading creating quirky exciting entertainment for corporate events, & big events in Florida.

Any party worldwide can be made special with the right magician, and there are plenty available over at Towner Enterprises.

Magician Antwan Towner is based in Tampa Florida, and travels worldwide for your convenience.

The link below is helpful for agents and event planners looking for the right performer or actor for their special projects.

I hope that this blog has been helpful in guiding you to the perfect magician for your party!

Easy booking: 1-888-632-9104
Antwan Towner Enterprises

Thought Seer? Mind Reader? Magician?

"Tell me what I'm thinking right now?" Is a silly question often rudely asked by childlike adult people; usually of the adult male category. I'm not a f~ mind reader, I'm a performer, and from time to time... I see thoughts. This is ingeniously incorporated into my act, and if you'd like to witness this, then you'll have to come to my show.
No I do not perform for free just because I have different abilities than you. I would never ask you to show me your wares or thrall me with your acumen just to prove a silly point.

Come; enjoy the show. 1-888-632-9104

Friday, February 8, 2013


Some people have the loyalty that only extends to the end of their arm; Be careful who you shake hands with.
Respect the ground that you tread on, for in time it will create a path that leads straight to you.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


People ask me all the time how I do my magic. If I were to tell you, at first it would scare you; not because it's scary, but because you wouldn't have the slightest idea what I'm talking about. Stepping into strange territory is often frightening but usually worth it.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

On a positive note

On a positive note: you don't have to sit around waiting for your success to show up. You no longer have to expect that call back from someone who said that they would do something for you, The door to your future is here and now, it opens with your next decision. Friends, don't let pocrastination and worry get in the way of your next victory. Your decisions will open the doors to your future, and abundance lies waiting for you on the other side. Good luck today!

Stay positive! Expect the best out of life!