Friday, July 12, 2013

Preparing for the magic show

I have been getting ready for my big magic shows in Alaska for the past six months. I have about three weeks left and I am excited to perform. My friends and family that work regular jobs have completely no idea what it is like to prepare for a simple show.
I love my friends and family, and I wish they understood.
When you are a performer for a living whether it be a comedian a magician or other entertainer, it can be a difficult struggle to explain that time has a different value to you then other people.
Although I do believe that people should value their own time more than I see demonstrated. Time is the currency that we all have and use but some of us let it use us.
Anyway, I am an independent entertainer. This means that I do not have an agent or manager per se. It's not necessarily by choice though. For the past 15 years I have sent many packages to agents and managers but they simply do not want my kind... of entertainment, in general.
The great thing about this is I remain independent. I am able to help many more people on my own accord. With that being said I am responsible for my show and the booking of the show.
I am a pro photographer , So I shoot my own photos, film my own videos and since I am also a producer I edit the productions as well. I write my own shows with the help of a few friends, and research the hottest new magic tricks and effects that are being performed today.
After deciding what's going to go onto my set list I have to practice for many hours in order to sell a good show.
Not every show that I do is for everyone. Some shows are designed for kids and families. Some shows are designed for college students and adult audiences. Other shows are custom, and some shows are designed just for me to express myself as an artist. As much as I try, the shows are rarely ever perfect, luckuly the point is to make it fun for all.
If you are a performer, then you know what I mean, you know what I'm talking about.
I always feel a bit of guilt when my friends and family want to hang out, go out have a drink or whatever. I have to tell them that I am working on my show, but they have no idea what I'm talking about.
When you are a independent performer or even an entrepreneur then everything is up to you. Everything is important to you.
I have enjoyed the opportunity to stop from time to time and smell the roses.
If I am ever going to continue making my living as an artist I know, now, that I just cannot stop for very long,
Keep it moving.

You can find me under the name Antwan Towner on Twitter and Facebook.

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