Saturday, September 22, 2012

A mans worth

A man's worth

From my perspective, the value that women have for men has depleted beyond repair.
Other than money and good looks, the value that a good man should have seems to be very little to none. It's like no one cares about good people in general, but as a man it is much different. For instance if you are a beautiful woman with no character, and absolutely nothing going for yourself, other than your looks- you could potentially still marry and have a couple kids and a great life. Asked solely on your looks. Even if you're crazy as cat shit.
On the other hand, a man that looks clean and decent, and has a little money will fail miserably in today's world if he is not socially accepted and business savvy. He cannot let one or two factors carry him into a happy successful life, where as a woman could, and is more likey to do so.
As a man, I'm writing from my perspective, and it's quite ok with me if people do not agree. From my perspective a mans worth is valueless if he doesnt have at least 10 buttons on his shirt. Here are 5 that you could put to use:

Button one:
The appearance of financial stability
Whether or not he has any money at all, if the man demonstrates that he is carefree about money, he becomes more attractive than the average guy who may have money concerns. Which is actually a larger number of sensible men.
Button two:
Visually clean and decent
A man doesn't necessarily need to "manscape" each part of his body and carefully select every piece of attire in 2012, however he should appear to be clean and decent. Whether or not he is a filthy pig, and an asshole, his appearance could be the balancing point. I over do it, which I do not suggest, simply because people think it's gay. Who cares though? The real value does not lie within my style choices.
Button three:
Arrogance, cockyness, and confidence
More often than not, the nice guys don't finish at all unless they put on the facade of being a dick. Women generally like dick's more than pussies, so don't be a pussy- cat. Whether or not the guy has true value, this little trick increases the appearance of value, but it is nothing more than an illusion.
Button four:
Social dominance
If a valueless man appears to be socially dominant among his peers, even if he is a piece of crap in real life, he will be more likely to give the impression that he has value.
Button five:
Discreet or accepted
If a valueless man wants to, he can carry on a superficial long term relationship with a prized or highly vallued woman, as long as he can be discreet about it and not embarrass her in front of her social groups. If he can be accepted by her social groups, then he can linger in that picture for a while. Does this give him actual value? Not in my opinion.

My point is, although there are many truths to being attractive to the opposite sex, value is in fact another thing. Instead of assuming that all women are... And all men are.... Why not accept that there is true value in the people around you. Sit at a local coffee shop and absorb the value of those around, try it.
-Antwan Towner

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